Thursday 1 October 2020

I mean where the firkin ell do you start...

 The problem with yankee blogger is that one cannot italicise the title thing...

but then no one is entitled to anything;

except me it would seem...

Because one could not make up such a year.

NB as she said just yesteraft "commitment" with such glee behind her mask (i got off, with all the poise and grace that even err with a capital G couldn't muster....)....

NB to self.... talk about not being prepared for EVERYthing...always. Because whom would have the frig thought that such a gorgeous* unmasked one would go along with that little game....

that was never any mere game as all duels must have duel purpose - spesh in this day and age.

 Yesterday at ours.

And i did need her for the stated "15 minutes".

Anyway all I know is that all that matters is indeed eight hours sleep of the innocent new-born lamb in a world gone vegan. And two of them running is paradise.

 So, soon I shall tell her - the actual goddess (i weep at the keys, yes real weeps): "luv, [or should it be 'babe' - i mean the stroppy Pearly One didn't like that!]  .....darlin, I was wrong, [yes fine people with the Polish version of this word in them, always and forever, Today Forever, admit when they were wrong....] ... my actual lifetime goddess, well I experimented in all settings, and of course at first well for a start you ain't black, and thus do not have the required heritage, and secondly i couldn't buy you on all that lovely dark and heavy vinyl all those lovely years ago.... with the usual one codicil i would not exchange a second of em..... darlin' i was in error.... I assumed and jumped to conclusions...I know these things are fatal pandemic but I thought i was immune.... [isn't that interesting how that pandemic-word has 'con' at the beginning....just saying and never think i wear any tin foil hat i would not wish one second of this or any other year to be different  - one minor little Mini codicil aside..] .... duck, you were actually all along the true Queen-goddess.... you were actually better than her my false goddess and you ....well you did steal five fuckin seconds from humanity but lets put that down to the knob twiddlers who always know better.....

Anyway I am free. And know the definition. But about the only thing that is unstealable from the interweb or soft an url of mine very own.... so i gotta pay up. I do hope you  my anodyne (the word of the year as so oft stated god how it 'intimidates' them - ruffles their little duck face feathers...), unless you prove otherwise, dear - as in a tenner, reader...are worth it.

And  frig me (i shall only ever use that 'f' word once as in above as goddesses even if they have no manners either, and have absolutely no idea what they want either, despite advertising what they want) up the jaxi with a load of tarbrushes (so oft the topic this spring, we may come to - but i have to be so careful of that line.... but then am genius at it - this indeed is my tenth year luv...)  

frig a duck duck....

IT came back, just like that, as if the intervening five years were just rest and recuperation and ... giving up. 

This is paradise.

As it was.... all this last year.